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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x10

Heroes on Both Sides

When the Senate begins debating a bill that would eliminate government oversight of the Banking Clan’s activities in order to fund the war, Padmé and Ahsoka travel in secret to the capital of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Amidala attempts to forge a peace agreement with the Separatists, while Ahsoka sees, for the first time, the people of the Confederacy. Padmé’s friend, Mina Bonteri, spearheads the peace initiative, and convinces the Separatist Congress to sue for peace. Meanwhile, on Coruscant, Senators Lott Dod and Gume Saam conspire with Banking Clan representative Nix Card and Count Dooku to make the banking deregulation a reality. At Dooku’s command, General Grievous engineers an attack at the central power distribution grid on Coruscant, carried out by Separatist demolition droids. The chaos and panic spreads to the Senate, which vehemently rejects the Separatist peace initiative.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 10
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 10
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 10
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 10
Nov. 19, 2010